Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Umm, What Was That Again?

Warning--this post contains information of emergency urological kind.  If you are squeamish, stop reading and enjoy this picture of lovely flowers.  If you dare read on...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Catching up Again

Oh My!  Life sure does get crazy!  I'm playing catch up again with the blog.  I've been working on some fun projects with the kids as well as serious ones too.  Lots to share.  I look forward to getting it all down in print.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

We Have An Eagle Scout!!!

Firstborn passed his Eagle Board of Review tonight!  I am so excited.  This has been such a long road for us.  It was actually his first (and very astute) Cub Scout Den Leader who noticed what a hard time Firstborn had in socializing with the other boys.  She started us on our path of discovery and understanding about autism.  

Firstborn took on a project beyond his skill set (not the least of which was making himself feel comfortable talking to adults about his project--a challenge for any kid--let alone one with Aspergers).  My Dad helped him with gain the skill set to put these chairs together for the park service.

Dear Hubby's parents are visiting, so we all celebrated with a delicious chocolate cake.  Now I just have to plan the Eagle Court of Honor....

Hope you have happy news in your day!